Saturday, March 20, 2010

Strengths Finder 2.0

I've heard about this book for the past several years, but thanks to a friend of Cafe 1040, I've now been presented with the perfect opportunity/excuse to purchase it!  :)

At the end of April, this kind gentleman will bless our International Staff with a group analysis of our strengths and how we can best work together.  In preparation we each are to take the Strengths Finder test which I did today. 

After all of the warnings to put what you truly are not to select what you wish you were, I nervously opened the website to begin my test.  I HOPE I did it right!  Haha, how on earth could I have done it wrong, right?  (Somehow the more they warn me to go with my gut and the first answer that comes to mind, the more I second-guess myself.  Ah!  Such stress these self-report tests are to me!)

Thankfully, I realize that there are bigger issues in the world, so I jumped in and took the test.  It only made me skip ONE question, which was an incredible success for me seeing as how they only allow 20 seconds for each answer... and really, I think the one that I took too long on was when a phone call distracted me.  After successfully completing 99% of the questions, I was informed that the following are my Top Five Themes:

  1. Learner
  2. Belief
  3. Competition
  4. Intellection
  5. Strategic
I'll post the explanations for each separately, but assuming I didn't unintentionally give false answers, these probably explain alot about me.  :)